tisdag, mars 18, 2008

Moose or Elk?

Jag läste det här på metro.co.uk s hemsida:

Elk/Moose terminology update: what is commonly called a moose in North America is called an elk in Europe. The fact that there is a different animal, native to North America, which the locals have decided refer to as an elk is not our fault. The animal featured in the article is the European Elk, Alces alces, or moose to North Americans. That we choose to occasionally refer to it as a moose is partly as a courtesy to our North American friends, to let them know which animal we're talking about, but mostly because 'moose' is a funnier sounding word. But if you think we're going to give up calling our elk 'elk' just because you lot went over there and started calling something that wasn't an elk an elk, well, think again. Elk elk elk.

Äntligen ett klart och bra svar på vad man ska kalla hästarna med horn. :)

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

Mycket bra! Jag har själv funderat på saken. Men jag håller mig nog ändå till moose i och med att jag brukar prata amerikansk engelska.

Men himlans tack för detta inslag. =)
Kram Helena